Korean in action - Coreano en acción
Feelings and Emotions
기쁘 - joyous, happy 답답하 - feel frustated
슬프 - very sad 갑갑하 - feel frustated
섭섭하 - sad 겁이나 - feel afraid
기분 - mood, emotional state 화가나 - feel angry
기분이 좋 - be in a good mood, feel good 불안하 - feel uneasy, nervous
기분이 안 좋 - be in a bad mood 걱정 - worries
기분이 나쁘 - be dissatisfied, down in the dumps 걱정을 하 - feel worried
부럽 - feel envy 놀라 - feel surprised
부끄럽 - feel shy, bashful, shameful 신이나 - feel elated, on top of the world
외롭 - feel lonely 그립 - miss someone/something
Llave del archivo: YEPNagpIPcYkyUWWPkhz7VsxmbMW-zG3fg4PaAjJk4U
Llave del archivo: FKHdTiA5InCzXLodNMULskMT5X5_Gcrn0wo6mzslVsI
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